Home Away From Home: Your First College Apartment

Going to college and moving away from home for the first time can seem a little bit scary. Your parents aren’t there to make decisions for you anymore, or cook your dinner, or tell you what you can and can’t do. However, when you go to college, you find out who you really are, and can freely express yourself. One way to do that is by decorating your apartment or dorm room how you want to.

If you need some inspiration or help finding cool ways to decorate your apartment, you’ve come to the right place. Take a look below at the different ways you can make your apartment feel like home. 

Plants - Plants are a simple yet effective way to make your apartment feel like home. There are plenty of DIY projects you can do to create small plant holders to be placed throughout your apartment. Also, don’t think that the plants need to be real. When you go to college, you have a lot of other things you will be worried about, and taking care of plants won’t be one of them. You can get cheap, fake plants almost anywhere.

Soft Items - Soft items provide instant coziness. These items can include decorative pillows, rugs, and curtains. Items like these also help tie the room together. You can have a lot of fun finding pillows, rugs, and curtains that all match one another.

Mirrors - If you have a small apartment, add mirrors. Mirrors are gorgeous and instantly help a small room look larger. Plus, who doesn’t like looking at themselves every now and then? You can also have a lot of fun with mirrors when decorating your apartment. You could have one big mirror with a cool border around it, or you could have a collage of different sized and shaped mirrors on the wall.

Color & Texture - Let’s be real, college apartments and dorms are the farthest thing from fun and inviting. To help out with this, add color and texture to the rooms. You can do this in so many different ways. You can add artwork to the walls, fuzzy rugs to the hardwood floor, or a fabric headboard behind your bed. There are so many different ways to add color and texture to your apartment. Have fun with it!

Lighting - Lighting is very important when you are trying to make your apartment feel homey. Lots of apartments and dorm rooms don’t have much natural light coming in, so it is important that you find other sources of light. One way to do this is with fun lamps. Lamps come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and can help bring a lot of character to the room. Another way to add light to your apartment is with decorative Christmas lights. Hang these lights up along your wall or near your ceiling to help create that cozy, homey feeling.

Doorway Photo Border - What better way to make your apartment feel like home than to have pictures of those you love all around you? If you cannot afford artwork or paintings for the walls, simple picture frames with pictures or even just pictures taped to the wall will do the trick. One trend that we are seeing a lot of lately is creating a border around your doorway with photos. It’s fun, it’s cute, and it helps your apartment feel like home.

DIY Organizers - You may be finding that there is not a lot of storage or organizers in your college apartment or dorm. One cheap way to fix that is by making your own desk or drawer organizers. You can make them look any way you want, and you can make them fit the exact location that they are going.

Moving away from home for the first time is a scary step, but it’s also a fun step. Have fun decorating your apartment. Add whatever color or textures you want to it, and make it your home.

When it comes to decorating your college apartment, Johnson Furniture is here for you. We have a large inventory of furniture for your living room, bedroom, office, and dining room. Stop in today and see what we can do for you, or visit us online. 




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