Staying Productive While Working From Home

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s how easy it was for us to transition from office settings to working from home. After a year of working from home, you may find yourself losing focus or momentum, and falling into bad work habits. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Mixing your comfort space with your workspace is a hard boundary to place, especially when the draw of working from your couch is so appealing.

Though working from home will hopefully come to an end soon, it’s important to find things that work for you to keep yourself as focused as possible. Here are some tips to help you stay productive while working from home:

       Separate Spaces. Even if you’re working from home, it’s important that you separate the spaces where you lounge and relax from the place you work. Having a dedicated workspace will help you stay focused and on task. You don’t have to have an extra room for an office, but try to at least get out of bed and off the couch and set a portion of your home or apartment specifically as a work zone.

       Schedules. Try to keep to a schedule and set regular hours for yourself. It’s easy to start working the same amount of hours here and there that add up to a regular workday, but this can become exhausting quickly and you may feel like you’re always working. Set regular work hours for yourself like you would if you were going into an office and stick to it. Have a start and end time, and when your hours are over, feel free to unplug in the comfort of your own home.

       Taking Breaks. Just like when you set your regular work hours, make sure you’re scheduling in some downtime and taking breaks throughout the day. You would take a lunch break at the office, wouldn’t you? Schedule this the same way even when you’re working from home, so you’re not working for 8 hours straight. You may even want to schedule time for a short walk to keep moving and get outside for some fresh air.

       Furniture. If you’re planning on continuing to work from home long term, it’s probably time to invest in some quality office furniture that will help you focus and create a more clear boundary in your home of where you work and where you relax. You don’t need a full office, but we recommend buying some must-have furniture pieces for working from home:

       Desks: There are a lot of desks on the market, and you’ll want one that fits into your space/room, but also gives you enough surface area for a laptop, monitor, keyboard, papers, etc. Consider an L-shaped desk for added desk space, desks with drawers or shelves, or even an adjustable desk so you can choose to sit OR stand!

       A Desk Chair: Definitely invest in a comfortable desk chair, since you’ll likely be sitting it for multiple hours of the day. Ergonomic chairs are popular with people who have extensive back issues, but you can also opt for swivel chairs, extra back support, armrests, or back tilts.

       Storage: Depending on how many documents or files you have, it may be good for you to have extra storage so you know exactly where everything is. File cabinets are always great, but simple bookshelves also work, or even storage ottomans and closets!

       Laptop Stands: If you’re working from a laptop, you’ll want to consider purchasing a laptop stand to put on your desk to elevate your laptop the same way a desktop is. Laptops can lead to long-term posture problems, and a laptop stand will help eliminate this issue.

       Lighting:  Don’t underestimate the importance of good lighting! You don’t want any long-term vision problems, plus with the growing reliance on Zoom for team meetings, you’ll want to make sure you’re not literally in the dark. Look at desk lamps, table lamps, and floor lamps, or consider looking into new ceiling lights.

Johnson’s Furniture Showroom has all your work from home essentials and furniture accessories. With an extensive range of must-have office furniture, we also offer a large stock of living room, bedroom, and kitchen furniture that is sure to make your home into the dream house you’ve always wanted. Come visit our furniture store and showroom and meet our experienced furniture sales team, who are dedicated to helping you find exactly what you’re looking for. Learn more on our website or give us a call at 662-234-7711.




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